As a sturgeon*-sprite I see Natalia
Because she makes me think of caviar.
Like fish eggs, she is acquired taste,
Conditional too upon wealth to waste. . .
I'm afraid my licence goes too far -
She was no blonde-haired glamour star.
Her eyes were black as fishes' roe,
But you'd better believe that girl had go!
The material may sound melodramatic,
But for my use was just pragmatic.
Bark-cloth from furthest southern seas
Wet-moulded to the form with ease.
Bakelite then made the eyes
With a soft stare to hypnotise.
Her hair is coarse - it's made of jute,
But overall, is she not cute?
*I don't like calling them beluga (whales)-
The best river sirens have fins and scales.
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